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 7 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Heloise Leloir"Advanced Search
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Le Journal des Dames et des Demoiselles, No. 760, pl. 15, April 1865.  Creator: Heloise Leloir.
Portraits of Héloïse and Anaïs Colin, by themselves, 1836. Creators: Adèle-Anaïs Colin, Heloise Leloir.
Illustration for a French fashion magazine, ca. 1862. Creator: Heloise Leloir.
Two Women with a Mirror, No. 868, from La Elegancia (San Sebastian?), 19th century. Creator: Heloise Leloir.
Two Women Outdoors, No. 720, from La Elegancia (Barcelona), 19th century. Creator: Heloise Leloir.
Number 473 from La Elegancia Barcelona, 19th century. Creator: Heloise Leloir.
Six Women Outdoors, No. 676, from La Elegancia, 1865-66. Creator: Heloise Leloir.